Well, it's 2011 people! I had a great New Year's with lots of people I love, and also a fabulous New Year's Day! I'm excited for this year. I hope it will be even better than 2010 and filled with crazy new adventures. I really just have one resolution, but it's not really a "new year" resolution, it's just kind of a life resolution. I mean, I started it before 2011 so I figure it isn't really a new year resolution. Haha. I want to be more in shape. Like seriously. I've tried to do it too many times before and it just kind of goes off the deep end. I really honestly want to stick to it. I'm just going to try to eat better and not so much, and also work out. Now don't get me wrong, I do NOT want to be skinny...skinny is gross. Sorry. I've definitely got all the right curves in all the right places, if you know what I mean...and I'd like to keep them. Hahahaha. But I just want to be healthy and little! So, if you see me eating fast food or something, remind me not to do that! Haha. But for 2011 I just want it to be crazy fun with my friends! I want to take even more pictures, and get better at it. I want to impact people's lives. I want to become closer to some people. I want to be carefree. I want to live. Now, these aren't resolutions, just things I'd like to see in 2011. :)
This is one of my resolutions we can work together in a way I want the same thing not skinny just healthy and fit :)So If I see you ill be like Kathryn! Remember lol anyways I hope it works out they way you want it !