My mom is my biggest supporter, my biggest fan, and will always be there for me not matter what stupid stuff I do. She makes me laugh, which is probably where I get all these giggles from. She is the biggest prankster ever, which has also been passed along to me. My mom is also the strongest person I have ever met. Throughout the past year she has taken on so many challenges. Yet, she does not think about herself first, ever. She constantly is trying to make sure everyone around her is okay before herself. She is the most amazing person. We may argue now and again, but who doesn't? My mom is someone I can confide in, and she doesn't judge me. She also always tells me that she does not have a clue how she got me...she says she is one of the most conservative people ever and I'm some "tree hugger." Even when I was younger and in Kindergarten, the one thing I wanted in life was "to make the world and cleaner and safer place." Still, she loves me despite our differences. She continues to make me happy every day of my life. I am so grateful for everything she has done for me, given up for me, and continues to do for me. She is my rock. Without her I would be lost. I also wouldn't be the Christian I am today if she did not make me go to youth group, because I hated it with a passion my first few times. I owe her the thanks for the woman I have become, and still become today. I love you mom.
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