This is just me thinking aloud. I want to loose weight. But this time, I want to do it for me. No one else but myself. I want to feel healthier and better about myself. I do NOT want to be skinny...nor will I ever be. Shoot, I got some curves going on for that, which I happen not to mind...nor have I hear any complaints. Bahahaha. I want to be able to look in the mirror and just be comfortable. My goal is not to lose a number. My goal is to look at myself and just be happy with what I am. I want to be able to wear skinny jeans without having to wear a longer shirt to cover up my thunder thighs. I also want to be able to wear a form fitting dress or t-shirt. And yes, I am going to have the Beyonce look when that happens...by her curves I mean....if you get what I'm saying. Sorry, everything about those curves are rather large. Always will be. Hahahahahaha. I'm not complaining. It's little things like that that make me want to lose weight. Not a number, just a happy level...for me, and me only. I just want to be HEALTHY. Please do not read this and think that I am unhappy, or have an eating disorder. First, I am happy, I just would like to lose some weight to be healthier. Second, I could never have an eating disorder...a.) I like food too much...I ENJOY food. b.) I have a phobia of barf. Haha. And for any girls reading this, if anyone has ever made you feel fat, please tell them to shove it. If you are happy with you, work it! And don't tell yourself you need to lose weight because of other people you see. Everyone's different. Never, ever, let anyone else be the reason you want to change. Do something for your own self for once...it makes things a whole lot more fun. :)
we are similar in many ways :)
ReplyDeletei like that. :)
ReplyDeleteIm trying to do the same thing! I feel you I hope that you are able to be happy with yourself, and If you need to talk or need any help please feel free to hit me up and we will chat :)