Tonight at 1822 was a worship night. I absolutely love it. It was so nice to be back in that room where I've spent countless hours of my teenage years. I felt at home, and I was comfortable. I like how its so dark in there. I feel like it's just me and God. I love how it's so loud, I can finally hear myself think and listen for God. I love how there are so many people worshipping Him. I love how on fire for God I am right now. This worship session could not have come at a better time. I needed this. This is how I connect with God to the fullest, during worship. Tonight made me happy and I really enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I am eternally grateful for how good my Father is, even though I am really not worthy. I really have to give every single thing in my life to Him for all the be right in my life. This is not an easy task to do, but I've realized I must do it. So, I am working on it. Tonight has made me think, and it has made me worship like I've needed to worship for awhile. For this, I am grateful.