First before I blog about anything else, please keep my papa in your prayers. He had a heart attack on Friday and will be having surgery tomorrow. I forget what it's called but they will make an incision in his leg and go up into his heart from there to see how much damage there is. Hopefully there is not a lot. If that is the case, the cardiologist will put a trigger in there to take away the clotting. If there is a lot of clotting, they will have do to another surgery this week. That will be open heart surgery. This is a pretty scary thing. He is also terrified. Tomorrow the surgery he is having isn't nearly as risky and is pretty common, but he is so scared like he's going to die. I can't let my mind wander to think the worst because then I will stay up all night worrying about everything. I just have to trust in God that everything will be okay, which is very difficult for me to do now days because of the things that have happened in my life recently. But, I just have to have faith. Just pray for him cause I know this is hard for him. Also, please just pray that everything will go well and he won't have to have open heart surgery. Thanks!
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