So today was another day at college...quite fun might I say. We all got stuck in a downpour and ran across campus together to our dorms. That was hysterical. The guys thought it was funny at least...some of the girls were going "oh my gosh my hair!" and so on. Not that type of girl, not gonna lie. I found it funny. There was lots of other stuff from today that I could write...but I won't because then this would be insanely long. But today was filled with adventures. The highlight of the night was getting out of Lynchburg College. We took the city bus around and went to Walmart. We were going to see a movie but that last bus back to our college didn't fit the time we wanted to see a movie. So, we ended up going to Walmart instead. In all honesty we were kind of just riding the bus to ride the bus. Haha. Let me just say that riding the bus is NOT easy. We had to get off of buses to get on new ones to get to our destination. We did in fact get on the wrong bus and ended up hitchhiking...yes. I know that that sounds bad. But we made it there! Plus, it was someone from Liberty cause that's where we ended up! Haha. You also meet lots of different people on these buses. We met some people who were students on the bus too...might I say some of these students were quite attractive and digits were given out. Haha. There were also sketchy people on this bus. Good thing we were all in a group! I also am now going to be muscle woman after this trip. I was carrying drinks up all these hills and stairs like it was my job. Plus I looked like I was carrying lots of alcohol which made me laugh. Can I just say that I am exhausted. I stay out late doing stuff with people, but we have to be up super early. Tonight had to be an early night. So yes, I will be going to bed soon after midnight. Love you all! :)
ahh so glad you're having fun and make friends! :)