This morning I went to the church here on campus. It's called lcf (Lynchburg College Fellowship). I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. But I went and it was really, really good. The people were SO nice and super friendly. The speaker gave a really cool sermon on justice. It's the first time in a long time I've been able to hold my attention to an entire sermon, and I really got a lot out of it. I'm really excited to keep going back there so I can enjoy something different than WEAG. Don't get me wrong, I love WEAG and all, but I am soooo stoked on this church right now. I'm also going to go to these group things that are kind of like bible studies, but cooler. I'm really excited for what this is going to bring me. I'm ready for a different kind of experience. I've been to WEAG all my life, and it basically hasn't changed, so I'm kind of used to it. This is all new people, new worship, new speaker, new style and flow of things. So different. I love it. I also loved doing all my homework outside on my Brasil blanket. Kait sat out there with me for about and hour, but she got distracted too easily and went back inside. I took a nap out there too after she left. Then Alec came and chilled with me for awhile and we talked about lots of things after he did his homework in the library. It was gorgeous outside under a tree today. This will happen again until it's too cold. I also love having someone cook me home cooked meals. :) And singing kareoke with lots of people. And almost getting stuck in elevators because Max wouldn't let me press the button for my floor, so of course I had to tackle him. Thus, the elevator isn't moving and the doors aren't opening so we have panic written all over our faces thinking we're stuck in there...it let us out a few seconds after. Haha. College is amazing. Everyone should come visit here! Two classes tomorrow starting at 11! Woot! Night lovely people. :)