I just finished watching Letters to Juliet and I love movies like this and hate them at the same time. I love them because I am a helpless romantic...in all seriousness. I know I don't seem like one ever, because I never share that. But I imagine everything under the sun. And I believe in fairytales, whether I should or not. I hate them because I can't help but wonder where is that guy. Now I'm not trying to sound dramatic like I have to have one in my life or I'm going to die or anything, because it's not like that. I just wonder when I watch these movies where is he. I wish life was like the movies and I would magically have a guy and we fall in love and live happily ever after. But this is not my life. I was telling someone this the other night, and it is my greatest fear. I am afraid that I am never going to get married...it literally terrifies me. No, I'm not afraid of getting shot or killed or drowning or anything like that. Just that I will be alone. If you're reading this I am not looking for pity or for you to tell me that there are guys that like me and so on, because it is not that at all. I am simply expressing my greatest fear, and I am not fishing for compliments. It just scares me. I'm afraid that I won't find anyone or no one will want to marry me. I know this may sound silly, but that honestly is my one greatest fear. And these movies make me wish for something that I'm afraid will never be...
i float in that boat with you, dear friend.