Well, today is Thanksgiving...like you didn't know that already. Haha. I am at my grandparents house in Newport News and will be coming back tomorrow afternoon. I'm excited to eat lots of good food today! I'm looking forward to the cherry pie the most though, not going to lie. Today is the day to talk about what you're thankful for. The one day that you're supposed to be able to relax and think about all the great things in your life...we need to have more days for that. I am thankful first and foremost for a God that loves me and forgives me, because believe me, I screw up A LOT. I am also thankful that I've got a mom that will always be there for me and loves me no matter what. Also, for the family that loves me. I'm also extremely thankful for my friends. My friends have helped me through so much and always have my back. I'm so grateful for being able to go to college, a roof over my head, clothes, and food to make my stomach happy. :) I have also come to be thankful for the challenges in my life, because I continue to grow and learn from them. There is so much more I am thankful for but that would take days to write down everything. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone, gain a couple pounds today! ;)
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