So today was the first official full day back here at Lynchburg College. And can I just say I missed it here and all my friends here a lot. I embraced everyone with a hug when I saw them. It was if everyone hadn't seen each other in a month or something. I think it's because I basically live with most of these people, and I see them 24/7. So to go from that to not seeing them for a week, you really do notice. My heart is always torn when I leave here or leave home. I'm sad to leave all my friends back home because I love them so much, but I'm happy to see all my friends here because I love them as well, and vice versa for the other situation. But, I am happy that I love both places so much. I miss all my friendsies from back home though! Today was a great day. Pretty laid back in my classes. Tonight was La Ca night, which is always fun, and all the waiters love us and talk to us in Spanish and joke around with us. Then we went to Target to get some essentials and some Christmas decorations. Can I just say that I absolutely love my new room because: new roommate, so much more space, it's not crammed, it's cute, we have a tv and a wii, and christmas lights. Basically our room is the party room and people are over all the time. I love it! :) This is my new room! :)
you room is so girly :p