Today was yet another magnificent day at Lynchburg College. I woke up at headed off to my acting class at 11 (which by the way is my earliest class :). That is my favorite class. After, I ate lunch at Westover, which is restaurant style, with Amanda and Kait. Once we were done, I pulled out my purple blanket and laid outside under a tree and did homework. I like doing homework outside for many reasons. I love the outdoors. People come up and talk to me when I'm out there. It's pretty funny. I swear I'm going to be known as "that girl who's always outside on the purple blanket." I went to my Communications class, which seems to go by pretty quickly. Afterwards I skyped with Josh for awhile and talked about college life and really funny things. Then I once again did my homework outside and was accompanied by Chris and later on Emily. For dinner I got off campus and went to Panera with Emily, Kait, Chris, and Jake. Yes Panera! Favorite quote from dinner; Chris: "Kathryn stop laughing! STOP! People are going to think you're drunk!" Haha. When we got back from Panera I went to this thing called journey/home groups with lcf (the church group here). It was kind of like bible study but not really. I don't know how to explain it. We start off the first hour with everyone and then the second hour split off into small groups with just girls. It was a ton of fun. It was really cool to have a group of Christians there, and to do all the stuff we did. I can't wait to get to know everyone better! After that I went and hung out in Mary's room with Mary, Paige, Bryce, Alec, and Darren. That was hysterical. They think I'm crazy though because I laugh so much. I probably should've gone back earlier than 1 am. Oh well. Also, I'm going to JMU this weekend! I'm super stoked! I'm rooming with my best friend in the whole world and her roommates going to be gone so it will be just like old times! And I can't wait to hang out with everyone else there! Oh, sorry these blogs keep getting longer. It's hard to post a lot of what I want to say about each day here! Love you guys!
Long blogs mean you have alot to tell =)