When I see super skinny girls, I just want to buy them a cheeseburger and feed them...is that bad? Haha. It's all this pressure for girls to be skinny. It's what the world tells us. I think it's quite dumb. Girls feel like for them to be good enough they have to be skinny. All I have to say to that is NO. I like my food thank you very much, and I refuse to be a twig. Yes, I may want to be more in shape. But skinny, heck no! Girls also think that in order for guys to like them they have to be skinny...I haven't talked to one guy that thinks that skinny girls are more attractive than normal sized girls. Guys like healthy looking girls...if you catch my drift. Haha! Yes, I'm always probably going to want to be more fit than I am for my entire life, even if I do get more fit. I think everyone thinks that they can improve the way they look by their weight. But, never will I want to be skinny. So girls, don't feel so pressured by this idea that we have to be skinny! Yes, be healthy and take care of yourself, but eat yo heart out, you're only young once! :)
hhaha I said to someone once that I always wanna say, "Eat a freakin cheeseburger!" he he he