I feel like every day of summer gets better and better, and I lik

e it like that! Last night was so much fun. Being caught in a downpour during the summer at Belle Isle with great friends is one of those things I'm always going to remember. I thought it was one of the funnest things ever. I love summer rain, and I really wanted to dance in it. I also found tonight to be very fun as well. I never knew how good eighteen 22 is. It's the first time in a long time I've enjoyed, and really gotten something out of something at church. I now plan on going back every week until I leave for college. I also got to talk to Stephanie for awhile, wh

ich I don't get to do very often, so it made me happy. Here is one thing that is mind boggling right now. I leave for Brasil in 2 days! 2 days! I'm am so excited bey

ond words. I seriously can't wait to see everyone, and to just be in Brasil! :)
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