Monday, March 28, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Since coming to college, I am SO busy. Literally. Not just school work. I've started to get pretty involved on campus and made so many friends and planning lunch and dinner dates. I'm so tired. Haha. Don't get me wrong, I really do like being busy and all the things I do I absolutely love, but sometimes I just wish I could take a little break. But. This is college. I love it to death. In recent news, I got accepted into the Bonner Leader Program for next year. Basically it's a 2 year program where you do 900 hours of community service in 2 hours. You get scholarships for it, but with my school you get paid by the hour (like a job where you get the pay check and all) instead of just one big chunk of money taken off of your tuition. Which I am very glad about because my mom is just going to consider that my job so I can keep the money. I'm SO excited to be working within the community for 7-10 hours a week. I'm going to be a big sister in Big Brothers Big Sisters probably, work with the Boys and Girls Club, and do so many other things. Also, all of the Bonners (which is about 30 of us) meet once a week for two hours. We also all have to take a Social Entrepreneurship class in the spring. Basically, it's a really big commitment. I'm stoked about it though! I want it sooooo bad, and I was so nervous because last year supposedly 40 people applied and only 13 got in, so when I heard I got accepted I was honored! I also learned that I am going to be an lcf (Lynchburg Christian Fellowship) leader. I'm really excited for that too! I get to lead a small group, which I'm excited for! I'm just so excited to be a leader, it sounds like so much fun, and I can't wait to challenge other people in their walk as they challenge me as well! I have experienced so many good things through lcf this year, and I can't wait to be a leader to others! This is also a big time commitment. At least 3 days a week. But I'm ready for it. I'm going to be 10x as busier next year than I already am, which kind of really scares me. But I know I'll be able to make it through. So, basically I'm sorry if it seems like I don't care about you! It's not that at all! It's just that I am so, sooo busy here! Like I got done after going all day today at 10:45 and I was excited...BUT PLEASE TEXT ME. I will always be able to text you for the most part! I love you guys soooo much and I miss you and you are my bestest friends ever! :D
PS...Sorry this is so long. And I really do thank you if you read all the way through it....and I'd like to know if you did :)
Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday, March 14, 2011

Life is precious. One day it's there, and the next thing it's gone in the blink of an eye. Love the people around you. Don't take anything in life for granite. Do what you enjoy and love. Take chances that make you scared. Live a life where if you saw it flash before your eyes in a split second, it would be worth watching. Don't forget about your friends and the people that love you. Stuff in life happens that makes me realize just how good my friends really are, and how my world would come to a crashing halt without them. I love you to death. I would be no where without you. You are my strength when I need you. You make me laugh all the time. I could not ask for better friends than the ones I have now. I love ALL of you...my bestest friend in the entire world, Kimbo...you are my sister, and we have SO much stuff together. I love you forever and ever. And every single one of my friends, I love you guys SO, SO much. Praying for all who were close to Patrick Dovell, because I can't imagine losing one of my best friends. I like to remember him from when we were besties when we were little...when life was simple. ♥
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
spring break.

This is like a sigh of relief. No stress of a ton of school work (even though I do still have some over break), not having to worry about what meeting to go to, etc. I am constantly busy at school, so it's kind of weird to not really have to do anything except hang out. It is SO nice to be back with my friends here and do our crazy stuff together. It's effortless. It's never about thinking so hard about what to do, because we have so much fun together no matter what. I love it. I also really, really miss Richmond when I'm away. I feel like so many people say "Ugh...RVA is terrible I just need to get out." But I adore it. When I'm at school, I miss the millions of things you can do here, downtown, everything. It's just nice to be home I guess. I LOVE my school and my friends there. But it's so great to be home sometimes too. :)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
stop complaining.

I hate complaining. I also hate negativity. I've been trying really hard for a while to really not complain about much. This can be a difficult thing in the world we live in today. All people ever do is complain about what the don't have. It's hard for us to focus on the good things in life, if there is even just one bad thing going on. God has given us so much, it's almost like we're slapping Him in the face if we never pay any attention to what He's given us. Plus, all I can think about when I complain is all of the people around the world that would die to be in my shoes with all the things I have. Basically what I'm trying to get at is next time you complain, really honestly think about it, and think of all the good things in life. Plus, it makes life a happier place to be. :)
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