Wow. This weekend was so much fun. I absolutely love seeing my friends back home. I really, really missed them and all the crazy things we did together. And I missed Richmond. Friday I got home and had dinner with my mom. I love her so much, and I miss her already! Shortly after, Carisa, Matt, Julie, Jesse, Destry, and Elsbeth came over. We "watched" Iron Man 2 aka talked the entire time and caught up on each others lives and told random stories. After we all departed, I took Matt home and then I just drove around Richmond for awhile. I missed driving and being around Richmond. I drove with the windows/sunroof down, music blaring, and dancing. It was great. Then I picked up Eric and we attempted to get Elizabeth to come to Waffle House with us...no luck. Then we tried Jake...no luck. Then Ricardo...no luck. So we ended up just going and we had to leave because the wait was so long! We went to IHOP instead, with blueberry pancakes that had cranberries in them?! Haha. Saturday I met Connor, Elsbeth, Colin, Sissy, Jesse, Julie, Alex, and Elizabeth at Chipotle for lunch. HEAVEN. Afterwards we shopped around. Then me and Elizabeth and Alex watched a disgusting movie on fearnet. We then proceeded to pick up Eric to go to Sweet Frog. Afterwards we stopped in Eric's neighborhood to pet the cows! They were cute yet icky. Haha. Later that night Carisa, Luke, Zach, Elsbeth, Lauren, JBlair, Matt, Julie, Destry, Jesse, Andrea and I went to Sweet Frog and then Burger King. It was so fun to all be together and crazy again! Afterwards Julie, Destry, Matt, Jesse, and I went back to Julie's house. We played some poker and had some good convos. The next morning was church where I got to see everyone! I really did miss WEAG and everyone that goes there. Wow I need to stop this blog now. It's way too long. But I had to talk about my fabulous weekend! I love you all sooo much! I'll be home in a week and half for fall break! So get ready for some chillers again! You guys make me SO happy!!! :) I LOVE YALL!
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