So, the other day I was walking to my friends dorm and I saw a flyer in the hall about Young Life. I stopped to check it out and it basically said they want more people to be leaders to middle schoolers or high schoolers and to e-mail someone about more info. I thought it would be kind of cool so I decided to e-mail the person to get some info about it. Unfortunately, the training meetings are on Tuesday's at 7, which is the exact time as my Spanish class! I was really bummed, but the girl who was in charge of it told me she could meet me on Mondays instead as well as another girl who's going to be doing the same thing. She's going to pick me up, and she said there were quite a few people here that are Young Life leaders too. I'm excited to get to know them! I am absolutely ecstatic to go through training to be a leader! I can't wait to hang out with some cool middle school or high school kids and learn about them! I know for me growing up in WEAG it was great to get to know some of the leaders, and they were there for me when I needed them. I can only pray that I will be that to them! I am soooo excited for this! I do have to admit though, it's kind of weird thinking that I'm going to be a leader. I feel like I'm not old enough to be a leader yet when I think back to WEAG and youth group. It's weird to me. But I love it! I'm excited for this new thing in my life, and I ask that yall would please pray for me as I do this! I really want to be the leader like some of the leaders that have affected my life. I can't wait to meet all these crazy kids and hang out with some cool leaders! :)