Side hugs make me laugh really hard. I really dislike them too. Haha. The reason people give side hugs is for a few reasons. A.) They don't really want to hug you. B.) It's the "safe" hug. C.) They're a really awkward person. And the list could go on. I would rather someone give me a high five then a side hug. Side hugs are just awkward. So, if you plan on hugging me, actually hug me. I love hugs, so do it right. :) Tonight was really fun. I love all my really good friends. They make me so happy. I also realized tonight I am decent at badminton, and it's actually really fun! I'm also really stoked on this summer! There's three things I think I'm most excited for, and make me super busy. June 19-24: Beach Week! Woot! June 25-July 2: Choir Tour! Yay! July 16-26: BRASIL!!! Eep! SO stoked for that! It's a busy schedule, but it's all really, really fun stuff! I can't wait!
d)they're a youth leader and have to be careful