So for starters, I'm sorry I haven't blogged in such a long time! I've been way too busy for my own good. Exhaustion is what it is...this is what I get for being so involved on campus and being a Biomed major. Haha. Oh well. I love it none the less. This weekend was a lot of fun. On Friday I went to a place called Rivermont Pizza with Kelsey and Amylynn, which is kind of a hole in the wall place, filled with hipsters...I felt like I was back home. Haha. We got this pizza called Molokai which had a bunch of new, random stuff on it. Twas good. I like trying new things. :) Then we just chilled all night. Later me, Mary, and Tony hung out in our room for awhile waiting for Mary's birthday. Then we continued to stay up later...I had been sleep deprived all week, and if you know me well, you know I get even crazier when I'm really tired...so me and Tony wrestled and beat each other up and basically made a lot of noise at 1 am...I sounded like I was drunk. Haha. It was funny. Saturday was Mary's birthday! So me, Mary, Amylynn, Tony, and Taylor went to breakfast brunch at Famous Anthony's! So cheap, yet so good! We went to the mall and shopped around for a bit afterwards. We then went to our friends house to start getting ready for the party I was throwing her that night. We had fun. Everyone dressed up as celebrities. I was Kat Von D, and I liked my costume much more than last time. My personal favorite was Sarah Palin, the guys from Anchorman, and Russel Brand. They kept character all night. Hysterical. We also all dance a lot a lot...we also got noise complaints...we didn't care. My friends still get a kick out of my "black girl" dance moves. ;) Me and Brian can break it down. Haha. It's quite funny actually. Today was church and homework day. Church was good. Homework is going to kill me. BUT. 5 days until I'm home for an entire 10 days! Hang out with me please and do crazy stuff. :) I'm soooo excited to see my best friend KIMBO GREENSHKA! :D I haven't seen her in SO long! Bahhhh!!!